Friday, October 2, 2009

my bday and other fun

My bday and other fun

Had a great great birthday, starting with a parade and fireworks at midnight (for Belize’s Independence Day). During the day, went out into the jungle with an expat/local - Wayne who is white South African and self-transplanted to Belize for his interest in Mayan art – and explored three unexcavated Maya burials. The uppermost layers have been looted but there are probably still remains and artifacts lower down (Mayan would lay burials on top of each other to build the temple). It was fun to imagine how the site would have looked in it’s day, probably home to about 1000 Mayans. It was so amazing being in the jungle (Spanish for jungle), as soon as we got off the “road” you’re immediately lost. Every direction looks the same – have to say, would never ever want to get dropped in a jungle and have to find my way out. No way.

We also battled fire ants, an entire side of one temple was covered in them. Boy, talk about motivation to get moving, those suckers HURT. Came across a few more gianormous spiders but didn’t walk into them, thankfully. No other wildlife, unfortunately, the area has been hunted clean. Not even birds are left. But the area is a national park and now under the “protection” of the government and under the management of an NGO so hopefully with time the animals will return.

But I am impressed with how much Belize has done to protect it’s resources – had the opportunity to see the Belize Zoo which is not a zoo like you’ve ever seen, it’s more like a wildlife sanctuary. There is no concrete or bars, it’s more like they sectioned off part of the jungle and let people come in to visit. And all the animals are rescues – either from people who took them as infants and tried to raise them but they got too large and are too imprinted on humans or big cats who start taking cows and sheep and the Zoo will capture them so the villagers don’t kill them. Got some photos on Facebook (link below)

Also went to Caracol last Sunday, which is the largest Mayan site in Belize. Turns out, my host mom’s brother is a licensed guide. You have to have a license guide and armed guard to go into the backcountry of Belize. We went to an amazing cave, then to Caracol, then to some pools on the river and Big Rock Falls (see photos on link below). It was a super fun day!!!

But back to my bday – after trekking around in the jungle, got back home and was whisked away by a fellow volunteer for some bday ice cream. Belize has the BEST ice cream, when you can find it, produced by the Mennoites. Yum. And the store owner gave me a free coca cola.

Back at the house, my host mom had it all decorated with balloons and her sister-in-law who is training to be a cook, made me cake. We had all the children, which included cousins (about 20 total) and about 10 adults. Fellow volunteer Roger played the guitar and we enjoyed papaya and watermelon. We ate the food Antonia had been preparing all day: rice and beans, chicken, pasta salad, and plantains.

Then it was time for the piñata – which was a “Manissa (formerly Dora) the Explorer” in the shape of a purse. Filled with candy and money and gum. I got in the first few swings, then some of the kids, then my teacher, who lives in the village for the 5 weeks also, Frederico, who broke the piñata. Well, broke the handle so then Antonia and I threw the kids the candy. It was so funny.

Then we played games – first musical chairs with the boys then the girls. Then the boys played a game where you run from one end of the lawn to the other, grab a balloon, run back to your seat and whoever pops the balloon first, wins. After the boys, the girls played. Then the three female Peace Corps Volunteers and we literally popped the balloons at the same time. Hilarious. Then the men – Antonia’s brother, Mr. Frederico, and Roger. Augosto won by a large margin but when Roger sat down to pop his balloon, he and his chair fell over. Oh we just laughed and laughed.

Ended the greatest day with cake. With candles that won’t extinguish. Finally got them out, after busting a lung, and then Antonia explained that in Belize, you take a bite of the cake to express your thanks and show how much you are enjoying yourself. I was highly suspicious of this request and tried to take a quick bite. But they wouldn’t let me get away with that! I tried to keep anyone from being behind me and realized that was futile as well. So, I resigned myself to my fate and dropped my own face into the cake. That brought the house down.

It was an awesome day and was so happy to get to see more of this spectacular country last weekend.

Stay tuned for the next big announcement – where I’ll be going for my final Site Placement dun dun dun …

Bday pixs:

Caracol/Maya Site:

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi, I am a friend of Roger in Colorado. I am enjoying all of your information as you give out the FACTS. Any time we can hear about Rog falling over, it makes us happy. Stay well and happy. Thank you for your excellent blog and pictures.