Wednesday, November 26, 2008

When knowing more means knowing less

Found out today that all the assignments are filled in the Caribbean. So there goes that vacation desintation everyone, sorry :-( :-)

So now I'm not sure what is going to happen. My current Placement Officer focuses on spanish speakers. If I can pass a proficiency exam, there is a community health work slot in Central America for Jan/Feb. However, I was hoping to use more of the business/consulting side of my skill set vs. the public health education (which actually isn't my background, though I have an MPH - I think that's throwing them off the scent ...)

But if I don't pass the exam or take this slot, not sure what it would mean. Well, actually I do. I could be going anywhere at any time. Mostly right were I started but now even less info. It's not the Caribbean in Feb. It's somewhere, sometime next year.


That sits sorta funny, though technically that was always the siuation. Peace Corps goes over the top to tell you and remind you nothing is final until you get an Invitation. It must be my ego kicking in, that thought I would have so much more to offer than other applicants they would fall over themselves to get me on board and I'd really have a slew of choices.

Ce la vie. Hakuna matata.

And other lessons in non-attachment, not picking and choosing, egolessness, and surrender.

The journey unfolds, never linear, mostly nail biting...

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