Saturday, July 11, 2009

T-Minus 40 Days

Wow - it's nearly here! Well, I actually don't have confirmation of my depature date but last I heard it is still August 19.

I did have a conference call with the Belize Program Director and Logistics Coordinator and here is what I know for when I arrive in-country:
~ First week of Orientation we will be staying at a hotel in the capital of Belize, Belmopan [sorry, no visitors and no, it will not be 5 star LOL].
~ Next five weeks I will be staying with a family in Belmopan.
~ Last four weeks of orientation, I will be staying with another family in my assigned location (city, town, village TBD). I will either be with a Spanish-speaking or Creole-speaking family/assignment. I asked if that is determined based on previous language experience and was told previous language experience is taken as an indicator of ability to learn a (new) language. So I have a feeling I'll be in a Creole community, mostly coastal and southern Belize. But again, DMV approach so I won't know anything for sure until I am there and "pass" orientation. :-)
Also learned there are about 8 of us in the business/organizational development program, ranging in ages from college grad, to mid-career, to retirees. I have found a few of the other volunteers (2 recent college grads and one married couple) on the web and enjoying reading their blogs. I'm also suppose to be put in contact with a current volunteer in Belize which will be nice.

As of right now, I am still in Santa Fe New Mexico having the most restful, calming, engaging time. Going to art galleries and musuems, hiking, taking a gazillion restorative yoga classes, meditation, reading, volunteering at the zen center and with a hospice program (my hospice patient has been teaching me how to curse in Italian!), studying astronomy, chanting, and more about native american history/cultures. And yes, Laurence, I do have a terminal disease - the same one we all have :-) And since I have no way of knowing when my time is up, I'm focusing now on all the things I want to do while I have the physical and mental capacity. I'll work when I'm old.

I'll be back in California around July 30 to take care of final packing and getting my cats situated. Will let you know when I get a confirmed depature date.

Orevwa! (goodbye in Kriol/Creole)