Monday, October 27, 2008

Last Hurdle

Yea - found out I cleared medical so the last hurdle is cleared to get an Invitation to join the Peace Corps. The Invite would tell me exactly where I would be going (keep fingers crossed it's still the Caribbean) and when I would be leaving ... I have ten days to accept and then - - -

Thursday, October 9, 2008

Present moment listening

"The deepest hunger of the human soul is to be understood. The deepest hunger of the human body is for air. If you can listen to another person, in depth, until they feel understood, it's the equivalent of giving them air" (Steven Covey).

Akin to my take that volunteer efforts boil down to being kind and giving undivided attention. The most precious gift we can offer others is our time and genuine interest. Sounds easy enough but it sure gets challenging when there are so many distractions - external like TV, radio, etc. and internal - like our monkey minds, always planning, thinking of the next thing to say, coming up with advice, etc.

I wonder how good I could get at just listening, just being NOWHERE (ahh - is that "No Where" or "Now Here" ... hmmm ... probably my next tatoo)
